Our Services

Hugs Knitathon

We provide Worcester Royal Hospital and Dudley’s Russell’s Hall Hospital with memory boxes that are given to the families following their loss. These boxes contain many beautiful items designed to help make precious memories within the short time they have together with their baby.

Two of the items we provide are blankets and hats. This is where you come in! Are you able to knit/crochet for us to help create these much needed boxes? There are patterns available to follow on the facebook page, see below, we will add more shortly, Lulluby Lodge has very kindly given us permission to use her pattern for our charity so a very big thank you to her. Feel free to use these or use your own. We need blankets approximately 28 inches square and in pastel colours – pink, blue, green, yellow, cream or lilac. Please stick to one colour or just a different colour boarder as we would like them fairly plain. We also need small baby hats again we currently have one pattern but more to follow.

Thank you so much for helping us, we know how much our boxes help bereaved parents because we have all received a box, which is why we strive to do what we can to help others.

How you can help
To help by knitting, please download the patterns below, or to donate wool or money towards our knitathon, please contact us at help@hugs.org.uk Follow our Knitathon Facebook page to keep up to date with what is needed.

Provide us with wool

Please contact us at help@hugs.org.uk to find out details of what we need.

Donate Money

Contact us at help@hugs.org.uk to find out how to donate money to our knitathon.