Hugs provides several local hospitals with memory boxes designed to help bereaved parents make memories with their babies in the short time they have togther. We currently provide memory boxes and keepsake bags to Worcester Royal, Russels Hall, Hereford, Telford and Newcross hospitals Maternity Units and EPAUs (early pregnancy assessment units).
Memory Boxes
Our beautiful Memory Boxes are lovingly put together using items that will help bereaved parents create precious memories in the short time they have with their babies. They contain items such as two teddies, one to place with the baby and one for the family to keep. A blanket and a matching hat. A photo frame, a clay kit to create hand and footprints, a candle and a key ring. They contain an SD card that can be placed either in the hospital camera or the parents own camera. The boxes also contain leaflets and information so parents know that they are not alone, there are others who understand and they can seek support if they need too. Capturing memories is so very important and will be treasured for a lifetime.
Early Loss Boxes
Our Early Loss boxes contain items such as two teddies, one to place with the baby and one for the family to keep, SD card to keep photos on, a notebook and pen to write thoughts, feelings, memories or questions down as this is a very confusing time. They contain a certificate of life, a candle, and a wooden heart as well as other items all chosen to help parents create memories.

Keepsake Bags
Our Keepsake Bags are given to families who have suffered a miscarriage. They contain a teddy, a candle and a poem. They let families know that they are no alone.